Raising Awareness
The Association works hard to raise awareness of keratoconus within the Australian medical, patient and general community. Some of our initiatives include:
- The distribution of information about keratoconus - notably booklets on keratoconus and corneal transplantation, which we source from the National Keratoconus Foundation in the US. These are available free of charge and sent to all new members and on request.
- A public campaign to stop eye rubbing, which can trigger keratoconus or exacerbate an existing condition. All new members receive information about the dangers of eye rubbing.
- Public Demystifying Keratoconus seminars addressed by both keratoconus specialists and patients. These are attended by patients, their families and ophthalmologists and optometrists seeking to learn more about keratoconus, its treatments and how they affect patients.
- Videos and podcasts of these seminars are available to patients and eye-carers unable to attend in person.
- Our website provides information about keratoconus, acts as a means for communicating with members and allows people with keratoconus to ask questions and receive responses from other patients and eye-carers. This is the primary point for contact for people seeking information about Keratoconus Australia and keratoconus.
- Participation in medical conferences and advocacy groups to raise the profile of keratoconus and its implications for patients.
- The distribution of pamphlets about the Association and its services to eye-carers to make available to their keratoconus patients. We also provide practitioners with information on keratoconus on request.
- Raising awareness of organ donation to assist people requiring corneal transplants.